If the Muse comes to your bedside, don’t tell her you’ll fuck her later.
~ Allen Ginsberg
Happy Full Moon in Capricorn!
Today we’re doing something a little different. Full Moon tarot readings are a thing I used to do all the time on my WordPress blog, and I kind of really miss it. I thought I’d give it a whirl on Substack to see if it sticks.
I pulled these tarot cards early this morning, just a few minutes before the moon reached its peak fullness, and I included everyone who would read this message in the drawing. No matter where you are or when you read this, know that you’re 100% included!
And, trust me, friend, you want to be in on this one. It’s a goody.
Without further adieu, here’s your tarot card reading for the Capricorn Full Moon on July 3, 2023.

Blessings: Ace of Wands
The Ace of Wands is a sacred spark of inspiration. It’s the divine match lit beneath thy booty. It can feel like The Universe/God/Goddess/Source gifting you an absolutely brilliant idea that aligns with your passion and your purpose.
While you might want to pick this up and run with it, the Ace shows that you might only see the first step you need to take. It’s likely the second and third steps — and all those following —remain unknown at this point, and that’s okay!
This card is showing up to tell you to take that first step. Now. You don’t need a fully fleshed-out plan of action before you start moving toward your dream/goal/vision. Heck, you’re blazing a new trail here, so there’s no way to even know what’s ahead!
Honor your sacred spark. Nurture it, give it room to breathe, and see how your creative fire grows.
Challenges: 10 of Pentacles
The 10 of Pentacles is a very positive card that indicates long-term success, especially in regard to material security. (Money, honey!)
Coming up as a challenge, I’m sensing a struggle to create the structure you need to turn your creative vision into something more than a dream. Now, that doesn’t mean you can’t do it — just that you’re gonna have to work!
The Ace of Wands is a card of massive potential, but it holds no promise of sustainability. On the other hand, the 10 of Pentacles is very much a card of manifestation and completion.
Success is there, but how much do you want it?
This won’t be an overnight victory. There really is no such thing. You may encounter rejections, roadblocks, and hurdles galore. It’ll probably take way more time and effort than you think. You may change your course of action, refine your original goal, and find yourself achieving something massively different from what you initially set out for.
IDK about you, but I think that makes for a more interesting success story than, “One day I had this idea, and the next day I got the thing.” I mean, look at how bored we are with Harry and Meghan because those fools don’t work for shit.
Another way the 10 of Pentacles could manifest as a challenge is through traditions and family expectations. Is your desire to please others by following a traditional path clouding your vision of what you truly want for yourself?
Recommended Action: King of Pentacles
I love this for so many reasons:
The King of Pentacles is connected to the zodiac sign of Capricorn, where this Full Moon is taking place
Chani described this as the “Full Moon in Daddy,” and this King is very much an archetypal father figure — strong and stable, a reliable provider, and a level-headed leader who pushes you to get serious about your life
It just flows perfectly with the other two cards in that it indicates you’re on a path to real success
This King is calling on you to believe in yourself and take your dreams seriously. If you find yourself lacking the structure and discipline to manifest your vision, this card is urging you to commit. It’s a reminder that success comes with slow and steady progress, not as an overnight sensation.
As an action step, it’s time to renew your commitments. The Ace of Wands may not be a brand-new idea. It could be something you’ve had on your mind as far back as January 2023. Now is a good time to look back on where you started and how far you’ve come. If you’re not where you want to be, what do you need to do to get back on track?
Remember that taking consistent action toward your dream is the only way to bring it to fruition. What does that look like for you? Do you need to schedule time on your Google Calendar to work on a passion project? Sign up for a course? Hire a business coach?
The King of Pentacles can represent an ambitious leader in your life — one that doesn’t let success go to their head. Someone grounded and financially savvy who you’d go to for business advice. If this reminds you of a person you know, it may be worth reaching out to them right now.
Overall Advice: Seize the Day
I chose today’s quote because I believe ideas and inspiration are abundant. The decision to act is what separates dreams from achievements. If you have an idea that lights you up, act on it now.
If you don’t — if you keep pushing it aside or waiting til later — that idea is going to find someone else to inspire, and you’re going to wake up one day and see that another person has brought it to life. And how are you going to feel when someone else writes your book/starts your business/stands atop the mountain of victory that was once a seed in your mind’s eye?
Don’t believe me? Read Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert. She explains how it happened to her.
Commit, bbs. Put in the work. Take your ambitions seriously. Fight like a mountain goat all the way to the fucking top, and when you get there you’ll know that nothing can take you down because you’ve built such a solid foundation.
That’s all for this reading. For personalized guidance and insight on your unique creative goals, book a consultation with me. I’m still offering readings at a reduced rate through Aug. 1!
Love and Full Moon Blessings to You!
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