Blue Super Moon in Pisces Tarot Reading
Life is too short not to create something with every breath we draw.
~ Maynard James Keenan
Full Moon Blessings!
This one’s getting a lot of hype because it’s a Blue Moon and a Supermoon. In case you’re wondering, here’s what that means:
Blue Moon — The second Full Moon in one calendar month. The lunar cycle is shorter than most months, so some months have a Full Moon at the beginning and at the end. This is a newer definition of Blue Moon, which used to refer to the third Full Moon in a season of four. Confusing, I know. The important thing to remember is the moon will not actually appear blue unless atmospheric conditions make it so.
Super Moon — The moon appears bigger because it reaches peak fullness when its orbit is closest to Earth (perigee).
The two rarely occur at the same time.
So what does this all mean astrologically and/or magically?
Lunar energy isn’t any more powerful now than it was during the last Full Moon or the one before that. But I do love the level of interest these terms seem to stoke in the general public. Last weekend, the pizza lady asked Jason if he was going to watch the Blue Super Moon! It’s stormy outside, so probably not. But that’s cute, right?
Let’s dive in.
Tarot Reading for the Full Moon in Pisces
The moon reaches peak fullness at 9:36 pm ET on August 30, 2023, ICYI. After that, it’ll still be full, but waning.
I only pulled one card this time because I was up late last night burning herbs in a cauldron on my back porch.
Anyway, it’s a good one.
Two of Wands
As with all twos in tarot, this card can come up when you’ve reached a gentle crossroads. It’s time to make a decision. You may already have your sights set on new horizons, but there’s something holding you back.
The push-pull dynamic of this card can stem from a desire to reach new heights while you still have one foot firmly planted in your old life.
Consider the image on this card. There’s a character dressed for adventure, holding the world in one hand and a wand (symbolizing your creative spirit) in the other. Another wand stands before him, but he cannot carry both wands and the world at the same time.
If he wants to pursue the opportunity represented by the world, he must leave something behind. Maybe it’s something he leaned on for support at another point in time. The thought of leaving that piece of him behind might create a lump in his throat, but he knows he can’t bring it with him.
Change requires sacrifice. It requires getting uncomfortable and taking risks. This is the way.
It’s up to you to decide if you want to stay or go. However, this card is a nudge toward expansion and growth.
This card reminds me of a scene from GLOW, which I happened to rewatch last night. The next paragraph contains GLOW spoilers, so if you haven’t already watched… what are you waiting for?
In the “Outward Bound” episode, Sheila decides to discard her wolf persona. It’s not a sudden change. She’s been butting heads with this version of herself for weeks as she slowly realizes she can’t be an actor and a wolf simultaneously. She throws her fur corset and black wig into the fire after fiercely guarding the wolf identity for years. When Ruth asks why she did it, Sheila answers, “It was holding me back.”
This card might not represent such an extreme transformation for you. But it is asking you to consider what you need to let go of in order to become who you want to be. Chances are, you already know.
That’s all for now! Thanks so much for reading, and Happy Full Moon 🌙
Lots of Love,
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