I say a lot of things that piss people off. It's not that I intend to piss them off, more like I have the ovaries — the audacity — to vocalize the hard truths many others leave churning in the space between mind and mouth.
Some say I speak with no filter. Others have called me harsh and abrupt. I prefer articulate and intrepid, which I’ve also been called in real life, not only in my brain.
I just don’t see the point in beating around the bush or sugarcoating things, and I sure as hell don’t avoid conflict. Life is too short for such things.
If there’s a problem, I want to talk about it. Dismantle it. Move through it. This really bothers some people. Some people prefer to ignore the problem. Pretend it isn’t there, slap on a fake smile, and mutter passive-aggressive comments to themselves.
Some people only acknowledge the problem by complaining about it. They take a “woe is me,” approach, find someone to lay the blame on, and refuse to accept responsibility for any part of the problem.
These things, these behaviors, they’re what pisses me off.
This week, I had a lot of ideas about what to write about and didn’t know what I would focus on. Then, I pulled your tarot card for the Full Moon in Leo happening Wednesday morning.
The Moon
The Moon can mean many things. It’s deeply connected to intuition, emotions, and psychic awareness. It relates to cycles and the constant ebb and flow of life’s resources. The Moon illuminates by reflection, and when it’s full, like right now, it can reveal what’s hidden in the darkness.
Shadow work is what popped into my mind when I drew this card today. It’s a topic that’s come up this past week, in my brain and not in real life, as I’ve navigated relationships with people exhibiting those undesirable behaviors mentioned above.
Sometimes I’m capable of biting my tongue. Like when I want to tell a person they need to do some shadow work. It’s about as effective as telling a person they’re being passive-aggressive. Some things truly are best kept in your brain.
Of course, I’m taking about Carl Jung’s concept of the shadow. Like The Moon, shadow work involves shedding light on the parts of ourselves we’d rather not acknowledge. The parts we repress and hide from ourselves and others.
But only by illuminating your shadow self can you integrate those aspects and become fully you. Own your shit. It’s liberating.
If you know me in real life, you may have had the pleasure of getting into a deep conversation wherein I vomited my shadow self all over the table and invited you to do the same. I love probing the dark crevasses of the human psyche. There’s gold down there, the kind of stuff that needs no sugarcoating.
Anyway, now’s a great time for journaling, meditating, deep talks over cups of tea, and whatever helps you move closer to becoming the fullest expression of your authentic self.
I love that for you!
If you want to explore this topic more deeply, I’m currently offering recorded tarot readings via Marco Polo and written readings via email for $22-$88 based on complexity. Reply to this email or send one to L.Steinheimer@gmail.com to book.
Thank you for reading! I love you!
PS - I’m no longer accepting paid subscribers or Buy Me a Coffee donations. If you want to support my work, please Venmo me @Lauren-Steinheimer-1 instead (suggested $5 to buy me a coffee). Thank you! You’re great!