“Is Lauren still here?”
“I’m taking a break—do you need help with something?”
“Go on and take your break. I just need to consult with my whimsical oracle.”
Whimsical oracle. I like it. I Am the whimsical oracle of the ellsworth post office.
It suits me just as well as this Christmas chicken shirt, a gift from my parents.
I did it, guys. Not only did I make it through my first Christmas (aka peak season) at the post office, I’ve ascended to the highly regarded and completely made-up role of Whimsical Oracle. (I’ve also been deemed “The Goddess of Delivering Mail” by one eccentric customer/soul sister.)
It pleases me to know that entering a regimented role in civil service hasn’t dimmed my shine one bit.
Be Weird Always
The end of 2024 is here and I’m dropping in via the Substack app to leave you with words of love to wrap up the year. I know I’ve been a somewhat absent writer as of late and my job at the post office has a lot to do with that. **side note — I do have presents and cards to send out, just haven’t had the motivation to touch mail or packages when I’m not being forced to 😊
And there’s also the other stuff. The darkness that descended after election day, which bled into Thanksgiving with my parents, then turned into peak season at the post office. Amidst all this, any free time was spent thinking of Hayley, remembering my viewpoint of her final weeks, and going back-and-forth between total Grinch mode and feeling guilty for indulging in such an anti-merry mood when I know deep down she would want me to be happy. It’s been heavy.
If this holiday season was difficult for you too, know that I’m sending you virtual hugs.
Also, we made it!
Best of 2024 and What I’m Looking Forward to in 2025
This is going to be short bc I started this post in my Substack app and am not able to transfer it to my laptop 🙃
My favorite things about 2024:
New job with USPS, which actually breaks down to three new jobs — two different positions and two different offices. While not as glamorous as freelance writing, it’s offered a steady paycheck and benefits like health insurance and paid leave. The stability has allowed me to renew my love for writing now that I don’t depend on it to pay the bills.
New puppy! Remus! He’s changed our home life furever
New friends! Leaving the house does have its perks.
Seeing the Northern Lights at the farm
Offering weekly tarot readings on Substack. It was fun! I want to resume this in the new year in some form. For now, I am still offering personalized readings via Marco Polo and the best way to get one is to reach out directly (you can reply to this email).
What I’m most excited about in 2025:
Death doula training! 🖤 In the past two years, I’ve lost two beloved humans and one dog. The experience has uncovered a hidden gift of creating a supportive and nurturing space for people to navigate grief. I feel called to work with people who are nearing the end of life and those who’ve lost loved ones, especially in sudden and tragic circumstances. Starting this Sunday, I am beginning a death midwife program through the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple! Depending on how things unfold, I may also go back to school for a master’s degree.
Re-committing to my physical fitness! Changes in jobs and schedules has led my gym routine to fall to the wayside. My main focus for the new year is to carve out a strength training plan that suits my needs. I’m 41 now, and my greatest athletic achievements are still ahead of me, baby.
Okayyyy that’s all for now. Happy New Year and Thank You for being here with me. I can’t even begin to express how grateful I am for you. Every person who reached out during my hiatus to let me know how much you enjoy this newsletter made me feel like I’m putting something out there that makes the world just a little bit better. 🥲
And if that feeling is all I ever have, That Is Enough.
I love you,