Happy Scorpio season, and welcome to the last weekly tarot forecast for the next little stretch of time. As per last week’s poll results, the tarot pulls will return!
The card I pulled for this week initially made me cringe. It’s not my favorite. I don’t know any tarot reader who loves it (please speak up if you do!). But, as usual, it fits right in with the theme of the time we’re living in.
Darkness falls faster every day. The gloriously colorful leaves on our tree friends are being shed as crunchy mulch to feed the soil below. We’re being called inward, invited to face the shadows that have been waiting patiently for the distraction of summer to pass.
And now it has. So let’s get into it.
Three of Swords
The Three of Swords can be intimidating for tarot readers to navigate. Traditionally, it’s a card of heartbreak. This much is clear from the image of a heart pierced by three swords. In fact, I’ve pulled this card more than once in relationship readings with a love triangle situation.
But there’s more to the Three of Swords than pain, and I should mention that every time it’s come up in a love scenario, the querent has already suspected —or known deep down — that the relationship in question wasn’t what they needed. The way I see it, this card signals the release of a pain point and the initiation of the healing process.
And if you’re blissfully single or in a happy, solid relationship, this card certainly doesn’t warn of heartbreak up ahead. There are many other ways pain can get stuck in our bodies.
Fall into Winter is a time of transition from busyness and activity into stillness and dormancy. Light gives way to darkness, and that which has been tucked away under the bed or at the back of the closet can no longer be ignored. The Three of Swords can be seen as a blessing — an opportunity to intentionally clear out the cobwebs of your psyche before the cold and darkness causes them to grow.
We can’t heal what we don’t feel, and it’s always easier to move through discomfort knowing that this too shall pass than to stuff it away amidst a pile of other pain points.
Here are some of my favorite tools and techniques to help you:
Write about your thoughts, feelings, and fears in a journal — keep going without taking your pen or pencil off the page and let it all come out without judgment
Go for a long walk in the woods or near water without your phone (or keep it on dnd)
Pull tarot cards or book a reading
Practice breathwork on your own or with a guide
See an energy healer (I’ve been practicing reiki on myself and loving the insight from my body)
That’s all for now, friends! Thank you so much for reading.
As we move into the last week of October, people of various cultures and religions will honor the dead with festivals, holidays, and ceremonies. I’ll be going dark during this time to practice my own rituals during this spiritually potent time. For those seeking clarity and healing, I will still be available for readings.
Happy New Year, witches! I love you!