How Can We Hold On to a Vision of a Brighter Future When the World Is Crumbling Around Us?
carve out some time to sit with the 3 of Wands this week
For at least the last four years, we’ve been existing in unprecedented times. Sometimes it feels like we get a moment to catch our breath, and then WHAM! Another disaster. Right in the face.
I feel it, and I know my fellow empaths and sensitive souls are struggling, too. These days, it can take every ounce of energy just to keep your head up.
Last week, Mt Shasta Goddess Temple shared this meme in their weekly newsletter and I have to repost it here because it so perfectly captures the vibe:
Helene has devastated an entire area near and dear to my husband’s heart. Working for USPS has maximized my exposure to election stress (fuck those political fliers, seriously), and I shared a tidbit about how this war has been affecting me personally in a newsletter last month. Eclipse season is over, thank Goddess!
It’s a lot of feelings all at once. When I started gathering my thoughts for this week’s post, I thought I’d write about my anniversary last week (which is why I didn’t post then), or the death doula program I’ve been accepted to (so excited).
But when I pulled the tarot card, all that went out the window.
Three of Wands
This is a great visionary card. Expansiveness, unlimited potential, and broadening horizons through learning, travel, and creative collaboration are big themes right now.
I pulled this card and immediately noticed the calm water, the clear, sunny sky, and the ship sailing into the horizon, and thought, “This is what we need.”
Holding onto a clear, big-picture vision is such a vital part of achieving your dreams, no matter how great or small. Right now, there’s so much stress, pain, and bullshit surrounding us, it’s more important than ever to double down on that vision.
Where focus goes, energy flows.
So, what can you do this week to breathe more energy into the dream that makes your soul light up? The 3 of Wands often speaks to collaboration and travel, so overseas opportunities and/or finding your tribe may be a crucial part of your process.
Whatever it is, I hope you find the courage to create, share, and open yourself to the expansive opportunities that are unfolding right now.
There will always, always be shit to stress about. There will always be people trying to bring you down or dim your shine. Let it rest for a while, and find small ways to partner with your creative potential instead. Surround yourself with people who want to elevate you. It’s what empowered people do.
And if you want clarity and insight on a personal matter, book a tarot reading with me.
I have limited availability for virtual live readings, but recorded readings are always available!
Speaking of availability, there are some changes coming up. When I first started these weekly tarot forecasts, I figured I’d do them until about Halloween, which is rapidly approaching. Between adjusting to a new work schedule, participating in NaNoWriMo, and the holiday season, I know I won’t have time to do weekly forecasts.
I’m thinking about bringing back the weekly readings after the New Year, or possibly doing a biweekly reading on the New and Full Moons. But I want to hear from you first! What do you think about these tarot readings? The answers are hidden from other readers.
Thanks for sharing your input!
I love you,